


Dive into a Life-Changing Journey to Free Yourself From Epstein-Barr Virus

Imagine... Eliminating all the symptoms that hold you back in your life within a matter of months.

You are about to read the most comprehension healing program in the World for not only healing Epstein Barr Virus and associated health concerns, but also the highest level of Spiritual expansion work that one could do …  

So please grab a cup of tea or water and settle in for a very detailed read…

But First – This is what I do – Tracey 

My energy is so powerful that when I bring another person’s energy into my body, I’m able to read their complete energetic makeup on a multidimensional level.

This means I can identify all the blocks and restrictions in a person’s mental, physical, and spiritual aspects.

Like an energetic audit to identify exactly what a person needs to be in optimal mental, physical, and spiritual health

Due to my gifts, abilities, and soul vibration rate, I can not only read a person’s energy, but I can also heal their energy, glands, organs, structures, and systems at the deepest neurological, physiological, and spiritual levels

As we are multi-dimensional beings, all levels of ourselves are interconnected energetically, meaning every single health issue, imbalance, illness, disease, or virus not only creates a physical restriction in the mind and body, it also creates a disconnection from our spiritual realms.

Through healing 100s of clients, I have identified EBV as being the deepest underlying cause of 99% of my client’s health concerns. (And every single client didn’t even know what I’m about to share with you)

So, in the healing process, I must help a person’s body become aware of where it has been compromised by Epstein Barr Virus, including the Mind, Body, and Soul… before I can totally reduce it and then stop it from flaring up again.

The more Epstein Barr reduces in a person’s body, the more your organs and glands start to function optimally, your endocrine system (your hormonal response system will function better)  and your autonomic nervous system and central nervous system can reregulate correctly and speed up the healing process.

We have the most amazing ability to self-heal… but only when you address the deepest underlying root cause, which is Epstein Barr Virus.

Lauren Jobson

NLP & Matrix Therapies Master Trainer and Transformational Coach and Therapist

I had felt stuck for so long, I was so sluggish and tired, I had lost my body and lost myself.

I was trying so hard with my diet and yet I felt so stagnant, stuck and hopelessness

I have experienced so many changes, from stuckness if I could say it in one word, I have flow and I am me again.

My body is now aligned, I feel alive again, I came to you for my physical and health, but the business stuff has been an amazing bonus, I’m manifesting again…

It is truly magical, the depth of your work is so profound

All I can say is…. Do it do it do it do it

What you do is so different, its magical, you are magical Tracey

I would recommend you to anyone

"My Heart was Aching Because we Only Worked with Businessmen and Healers"

Over time, I have worked with 100’s of people to heal them at the deepest of levels

One thing I know about healing is that you have to find the underlying cause and heal from that, or everything else will simply be a band-aid fix.

I myself also had Epstein Barr virus, and through the process of healing myself and through my unique gifts and skill as a healer, I have developed a unique process to help people to heal and recover from this debilitating illness.

In order to heal from EBV, you also need to be able to work on all levels of mind, body, and soul simultaneously. 

Epstein barr virus inflames a person’s central nervous system anything that can attack this area of the body is able to compromise every single structure in the physical body due to this being part of the highest control mechanism.

It is not enough to have just knowledge as a healer. My knowledge and gifts extend further than any other healer in my specialized field.

By healing 100s of people and working in the energetics of EBV on all levels of mind, body, energy, and soul, combined with my highest gifts in commanding dark energy and dark entities,  I have not only mastered everything about this virus, but I have also mastered how to get a person’s body to recognize the dysfunction it creates and start the process of reducing, healing and reversing the damage it has caused.

Until now, I have only been working with high-level private clients through The Evolved CEO program and charging 10s of thousands of $$$ for the most advanced healing and transformation …. my heart was aching as I would have so many people reach out for help but couldn’t afford our private program.

So I created this program so I can help more people get the healing, alignment, and spiritual expansion they want and need. 

I’ve learned EBV is the deepest underlying cause behind all mysterious illnesses, diseases, cancers, and common health concerns like adrenal exhaustion, thyroid dysfunction, hormone imbalances, and much more.

As EBV holds a person in deep survival stress, stopping the body from being able to heal and repair with time, it creates a pathway to more and more ill health and disease.

I see it time and time again, the world is suffering, people’s mental and physical health is in decline, and EBV is the underlying cause of it….

Here's The Process After You Join the Program

SESSION 1 - Pt.1

Release hundreds of layers of deep survival stress

In order to heal Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) you need to heal all neurological structures in the brain along with all the bodies glands, organs, and systems from a deep state of compounded stress often referred to as sympathetic nervous system dominance (SNSD) or “fight or flight”…

The mind and body simply can not heal itself in this state!

Along with healing the mind and body, our spiritual aspects hold our truth, and the key to life is to balance both our physical and spiritual worlds to access our highest self, and our highest form

In Session 1 – part 1 – I release hundreds of layers of deep survival stress at the deepest levels of your mind, body, and soul. This includes cellular, DNA, and multidimensional levels (list below).

Along with releasing hundreds of layers of deep survival stress, I go through a process to look at every single chakra – a chakra is a bridge between the physical and the spiritual it holds information and is a way to access deep healing for a person.

  • I work with the 7 main chakras that everyone’s familiar with…
  • But I also work with the 7 main chakras on all 9 body levels, as they all hold different information and restrictions in order to heal a person’s energy.
  • Then I work on all the minor chakras, where there are 37 to be exact, including all their extensions … example:
    • The Thymus is an extension of the heart chakra, which is about self-love but also plays a huge role in the immune system.
    • The Liver is an extension of the heart chakra as well, which is about divine alchemy and transformation as well as spiritual reconnection and detoxification pathways ( very important role in reducing Epstein Barr Virus )
    • The Cranial is an extension of the Brow Chakra, which is about evolutionary harmonics – the cranial respiratory system, with our cerebral spinal fluid, is our direct connection to spirit and acts as a master reset to all organs and glands and is imperative to work with when healing all aspects mind body and soul
  • I work to release restrictions in all the upper chakras 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th on all 9 different body levels
    • The 13th chakra is the place of paradigm shifts – this is changing someone’s destiny.


Through this healing process, a person may experience between 10-20 paradigm shifts… which is more than most people will ever experience in a lifetime !!!

Other areas I heal in this session

Integration time – 4 weeks – This session releases and heals so many layers of deep survival stress the body requires 1 month to process it all

Please Note: There are hundreds of layers of deep survival stress, so this stage is very involved; process flow includes: 

1. Pre-healing group call – Discuss the healing process, setting expectation & Q&As 

2. The following day I will complete the Healing process based on your group cohort, then you will receive a full session report including a video walk-through explaining the healing process in detail… 

3. All additional questions and answers will be supported in the Community Group Chat.

SESSION 1 - Pt.2

Healing and Aligning the bodies key structures

Deep hydration

This is when we are dehydrated at a cellular level drinking water alone will not fix.

Correcting and healing this in your body will have a huge impact on your organ and glands at a cellular level so they can function correctly through the healing process

Mineral balance

This is where a number of minerals, vitamins and amino acids are not being retained or absorbed properly.

Amino acids are the building blocks for all proteins in the body. Protein is used in building and repairing cells, maintaining correct structure, function and correct regulation of all your bodies tissues, organs and glands.

I clear any neurological confusion around the uptake and absorption of all minerals, vitamins, and amino acids, to help improve the bodies natural healing abilities.

Brain structures

Releasing restrictions from key neurological structures to regain correct brain function.

This includes the amygdala, brain stem, RAS, brodman areas, cortical integration

This will enable your Mind / Body connection to function correctly for healing 

Psychic surgery

Depending on the individual, some clients may have extreme blockages in organs and glands that require psychic surgery and healing of this nature.

Liver & Detoxification pathways

People love to do detox programs, although if your detoxification pathways, are stressed or not functioning correctly you can do more damage by immobilizing toxins as they are not able to be cleared from the body.

I heal and balance these pathways so the body can reduce toxicity. Reducing toxicity is a big part of the healing process

Integration time – 2 weeks – this is an extension of session 1


The EBV Process

EBV Process

I look at every single organ and gland in the body, from brain functions, brain structures, and neurotransmitters, plus every possible area in the body where EBV can attach and affect.

EBV confuses the body so much that your body doesn’t even know where to start to try and heal itself.

I give your body a full list of where it is being compromised so it can start the healing process (Please note: after this session, your body will initiate an immune response)

Collective energetic tie-ins to disease and ill health – implants

This is about dark energy and dark entities at a collective level, Epstein Barr Virus is so much more than a virus, it is a representation of the dysfunction and disconnection of the world we see today

As I heal each person from EBV and all other restrictions I am also healing them from the collective restrictions of world disorder 

Negative thought forms

Negative thought forms are simply when our negative thoughts repeat to a point where that creates their own energetic identity and we start viewing our world and reality through this lens creating a feeling of helplessness, stuck and so much more

When I clear these thought forms it paves the way for more positive change 


This is my highest gifts as I have developed the abilities to command and release Dark energy and entities from a person.

I will be clearing dark energy and entities throughout this whole program as they go hand in hand with all blocks, restrictions, and health concerns esp. EBV

By clearing dark energy and entities you start aligning with your divine connection and highest healing abilities

Soul loss - Soul retrieval

We can be missing parts of our Soul. Our Soul is so big we don’t have access to it all for 2 reasons: 

  1. Our need for healing due to trauma, conflict, and stress. We are here to expand ourselves, resolve all conflicts and karmic cycles
  2. We are not ready for our Soul’s directive yet; this is classed as expanded consciousness.


Through the healing process, I am able to reclaim these missing pieces for you, realigning you to your highest divinity 

Negative unjustified karma

This is where we have learned our lesson, but our Soul insists we have not; this leads us to keep attracting the same thing into our lives over and over again. 

By clearing Negative unjustified karma, you can break free from the disempowering cycles in your life. 

Immune system

The immune system becomes compromised and confused leading to disfunction, when your Immune System is dysfunctional, it can not protect your body from the spread and destruction of EBV and many other health concerns. 

I heal, balance, and bring your Immune System back into order so it can correctly identify the behaviors of EBV and correctly do its job to fight off this virus  


EBV attaches to mercury which is how it is able to cross the blood-brain barrier so it can attack and inflame your central nervous system …

In order to reduce EBV, you have to reduce mercury at the same time, the problem with this is mercury is a neurotoxin which means it can confuse your brain into thinking you don’t have enough mercury in your system, so your body will continually store this harmful toxin.

I clear the neurological confusion so your body recognizes the need to reduce mercury, which in turn reduces EBV

Integration time – 6 weeks – as an Epstein Barr Virus cell has a 6-week life cycle


Please Note: The EBV healing process is another extremely involved healing session; the process flow includes: 

1. Pre-healing group call – Discuss the healing process, setting expectations & Q&As 

2. The following day, I will complete the Healing process based on your group cohort, then you will receive a full session report, including a video walk-through explaining the healing process in detail… 

3. All additional questions and answers will be supported in the Community Group Chat.


Brain recoding process

Cutting ties to genetic codes

Genetic codes are passed down through family lines through DNA.

Restrictions of suffering, ill health, and disease are passed on as if we are not in charge of our own DNA… This branches into Epigenetics

I clear these genetic codes to reinstate your divine right to health and healing without hereditary conflicts

Brain recoding process

This is about balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain and recoding the brain to be able to hold higher levels of consciousness.

  • The Right hemisphere is about creativity and imagination 
  • The Left hemisphere is about logic and reason


I recode the right and left hemispheres of the brain, balancing the corpus callosum – which is the connection and integration point between the 2 hemispheres.

This helps to release many fear-based programs, lower consciousness levels and helps you reconnect to source and your highest spiritual self

Realignment process through all chakras to divinity

This is a very high connection process aligning a person’s personal and spiritual will.

This helps align mind, body, and soul so you can transition through states of healing and expanded consciousness

Integration time – 2 Days

Please Note: Sessions 3, 4, and 5 are very close together (2 days apart) again, these processes are extremely involved healing sessions; the process flow includes: 

1. Pre-healing group call (3, 4 & 5 altogether)- Discuss the 3 healing processes, setting expectations & Q&As 

2. Following each healing process 3, 4 & 5, you’ll receive complete session reports, including video walk-throughs explaining each of the session’s healing processes in detail… 

3. All additional questions and answers will be supported in the Community Group Chat.


Healing and activating your light body

Stem cell rehabilitation process

Stem cells are essential to health. They hold programs for the reproduction of healthy cells and cell function.

We can have restrictions at the level of your stem cells, as it acts as our suppression mechanisms for many things like emotions, memories, generational programs, coping mechanisms, addictions and so much more.

I release these restrictions so the stem cells no longer carry the wrong instructional information

This leads to better health and healing 

Remove generational implants

These are, again, generational, inherited, and DNA implants that form our cellular makeup 

I heal and remove these implants to have you be in charge of your own divine blueprint for optimal health and wellbeing 

Activate a person light body – if they did not already have this level activated

Not all people have a light body yet… as this is the highest energetic level of a person’s energy field.

When your light body activates, its known as the start of the Ascension process – spiritual ascension, also known as spiritual awakening, is a natural evolutionary process involving shedding the old self and experiencing an inner rebirth. 

Many people speak of spiritual ascension in terms of being “upgraded,” “rebooted” or being elevated in vibrational frequency.

I activate a person’s light body or remove restrictions from this level

The more you are connected to these higher spiritual levels of self, it brings more light and higher vibrational frequencies into the body for optimal healing and health.

Integration time – 2 Days

Please Note: See session 3 notes on calls and session reports … 


Breaking deals and agreements + Redo Sessions 1 & 2

Break deals and agreements with demonic realms

All diseases and dysfunction can have many agreements, contracts, and deals with dark energy, entities, and demonic realms.  

Due to my highest gifts, I have the ability to break these energetic restrictions to reinstate your sovereignty.

Redo Session 1 again (Please review above for details)

I will redo the whole Session 1 + part 1 again – This is 100s of layers of deep survival stress in mind, body and soul 

Redo Session 2 again - (Please review EBV session above)

I will redo the whole EBV process in Session 2 again 

Processing emotions on an emotional body level

People get so caught up in the intensity of their emotions that they do not process emotions properly. If we suppress or hold emotions in our physical body  it can lead to blocks, restrictions, and disease in the body

We are meant to process our emotions through the emotional body, which is a level of your energy. 

I help release the emotional trapped energy to free people from these restrictions 

Reinstate connection to God and the universe

This is a reconnection process where I release any dark energies and entities interfering with these connections

Remove slave codes

We can have energetic implants holding us in endless cycles of disempowerment.

I remove these slaves codes and restrictions 

Integration time – 6 Weeks – due to EBV 6 week life cycle 

Please Note: Session 5 is enormous as I repeat sessions 1 and 2 over again

See session 3 notes on calls and session report structure and again you have full support in the community group chat… 


Removing EBV from the lymph, liver, and spleen

Removing EBV from the lymp and liver and spleen

When I reduce EBV in the body, it comes back to the organs first compromised, which is your liver and spleen plus your lymph nodes and lymphatic system.

I do another full healing process of these organs and glands which is critical to reducing EBV right down in preparation for session 7 


Integration time – 6 Weeks

Please Note: Session 6 process flow includes: 

1. Pre-healing group call – Discuss the healing process, setting expectations & Q&As 

2. The following day, I will complete the Healing process based on your group cohort, then you will receive a full session report, including a video walk-through explaining the healing process in detail… 

3. All additional questions and answers will be supported in the Community Group Chat.


Recoding EBV to stop it reactivating

Recoding and Vibrational shift

This is the holy grail of the EBV healing process and the key to restoring your health long-term. 

Through my soul gifts and vibrational rate, I have identified how to recode the energy of EBV back to its original form. 

Once EBV has reduced right down, the re-coding process will STOP it from flaring up again. 

No Integration time – This is the end of EBV program

Please Note: Session 7, (the final session) process flow includes: 

1. Pre-healing group call – Discuss the healing process, setting expectations & Q&As 

2. The following day, I will complete the Healing process based on your group cohort, then you will receive a full session report, including a video walk-through explaining the healing process in detail… 

3. All additional questions and answers will be supported in the Community Group Chat.

You're Getting

Complete mind, body, energy and soul healing of Epstein Barr Virus

5 x 1 hour Live Sessions with Tracey

Online Education Program to Master your Mental, Physical and Spiritual Health

Private Community, Support and Group Chat for 5 months

Total Value: $45,000 USD

Regular Price: $9,900.00 USD

Today Limited Price: $5,500 USD

Only for the first 20 Clients who take up this opportunity

Program Commitment and Investment

The program goes for 20 weeks and 4 days  (nearly 5 months).

One Payment of: (Save $1100)

$5,500 USD

Limited time Price

3x Monthly payments of:

$2,200 USD

Limited time Price


Ali McKelvie

Mind/Body Medicine Practitioner, Kinesiologist, and Human Design Expert

I was aware for many years that I had an issue with the Epstein-Barr virus.

I had tried everything I knew (I am a naturopath, Kinesiologist and GNM Practitioner), and the medical medium protocols, yet it wasn’t until I saw Tracey for her Epstien Barr sessions that I saw a dramatic difference.

For the first time in what feels like a lifetime, I have superior energy levels, I can eat and drink things I previously couldn’t without flaring up, and I am attracting so many great things into my life without trying!

I would recommend this to my own clients, and especially other healers as I am so confident it will not only change the way you feel, but it will have an incredible flow on effect with your ability to help your clients too. Working with Tracey has helped me radically transform all areas of my life.

I recommend her to everyone!

Cat valentine

Transformation Coach, Trainer, Mentor

I’m really in touch with emotions I couldn’t work out why I could not get myself motivated

I was completely lacking in energy, I was thinking, what is this…. Is it depression?

I was just getting more and more into a whirlpool of exhaustion and bleakness and I couldn’t get out

Then you came into my life

I have so much energy back now, I am back!

I have that motivation back again, there are no more blocks

Life was happening to me and I felt like I couldn’t do anything about it

All the things I wanted I have now got

I found it was a really beautiful process

I had Epstein Barr Flare, which I was not aware of

When you are physically unwell, the emotional start to stuff spirals

Even with all my knowledge….  I couldn’t heal myself

It is unbelievable the before and after its night and day

I can’t thank you enough

Nicolette Wijers

Feminine Awakening Coach, business and lifestyle Mentor

Working with Tracey I found out that my body, mind and soul have been in Deep Survival Stress mode for so many years and I needed to be healed on a deep cellular level. 

She told me that I had Epstein Barr Virus and all my symptoms of fatigue, mood swings, weight gain, uncontrolled temper, emotional outburst, foggy head and mind, and many more things started to make more sense to me.

She allowed my body to heal and integrate which take’s time and she was very gentle in her approach. I felt the heaviness lifting from my head and my whole body. 

My energy levels and vitality came back again, I gained clarity and the ability to listen to my soul guidance towards what I really want without having this dis – ease and symptoms in my body. It’s been an incredible journey and truly forever grateful that I met you Tracey.


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How 100s of People are Healing from EBV and Regaining Their Full Mental, Physical and Spiritual Health in a Matter of Months

May 10, 2023

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09:30 AM (AEST)

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