Could this be the answer we’ve all been waiting for?

Here's How Thousands are Reclaiming their Health, Energy, and Life after Years of Struggling with EBV...

If You're sick and tired of:

...And you're still fighting fatigue, brain fog, digestive issues and burnout... Then this is a must see.

How I Discovered a Solution that Works (After 6 Years of Searching)

After healing myself and 100s of people from EBV, I discovered what I call ‘The Truth’.

You see, when most of my clients first see me

It’s the same story.

They present a long list of remedies and supplements they’ve tried. 

None of them work.

And they start losing hope.

Until I show them what removed EBV for me and my clients…

Since these countless conversations, I decided to record a series of videos that explain how me and my clients finally healed.

Because let’s face it, EBV can ruin almost every area of your life (I’ve been there).

EBV can make you feel so drained and fatigued you stop chasing your dreams.

…Your health starts decaying before your very eyes.

Even if you start trying to improve your health, it feels like you’re body is against you.

It can also damage your relationships…

Stress builds up, your sleep worsens, and your mood becomes a rollercoaster.

I hear you…

Because this was me. 

It felt like my life was crumbling around me. 

And It became my mission to put the pieces back together.

Long story short (I share my story in the video series) I found a way to remove EBV from my life.

And as a healing practitioner, I started helping my clients remove EBV too.

Now, they’re thriving:

I share exactly what I learnt and how I heal my client in my free mini-course ‘The Truth Behind EBV’. 

Click the button below to get instant access now (while it’s still available)

Why I Created this FREE Mini-Course

After going through my own healing journey, and then helping my clients remove EBV from their life. I knew I had to share this information with the world.

Knowing the information in this mini-course can save you years, even decades of going through this journey alone.

There’s also a lot of information out there (I’ve read it all), but none of it addresses the root cause.

Most remedies are a band-aid fix and mask the symptoms temporally.

This leaves a lot of people feeling confused, jumping from one ‘solution’ to another. It’s not sustainable, and it’s frustrating. 

This mini-course will give you the clarity you need to move in the right direction, guaranteed.

You'll Get Instant Access to 5 Insightful Lessons That Will Give You the Answers You've Been Looking For...


What is EBV? Learn exactly what Epstein Barr Virus is and how it effects the Mind, Body and Soul.


Tracey’s story to healing herself and 100s of clients from EBV. Finally the answers you have been looking for.


What are people currently doing to heal from EBV and why they are all band aid fixes and not long term solutions.


Learn the 7 Truths Behind EBV. This is so much more than a virus.


Watch as Tracey walks you through of the World’s most advanced EBV programs.

Inside This Mini-Course You'll Learn:

Who is this mini-course for?

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About Tracey Gillies

I’m a world-leading spiritual and energy healer specializing in dark energies, dark entities, & the highest multi-dimensional vibrations for healing a clients mind, body and soul.

After helping hundreds of clients heal their physical bodies… I soon realized that 99% of my clients had EBV, which was the deepest underlying cause of all their health concerns.

For me to master the art of healing others from EBV, I actually had to heal myself from it first, the knowledge and abilities I have developed over the years are why I can not only heal others from EBV, but I can recode the energetics of this debilitating virus to stop it from coming back.

The more people I have healed, the more information I have channeled about EBV.

It is much more than a physical virus… it also stops people from reaching their highest potential.

And it’s now my mission to help more people heal from EBV and reclaim their health, life and highest connection…

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Ali McKelvie

Mind/Body Medicine Practitioner, Kinesiologist, and Human Design Expert

I was aware for many years that I had an issue with the Epstein-Barr virus.

I had tried everything I knew (I am a naturopath, Kinesiologist and GNM Practitioner), and the medical medium protocols, yet it wasn’t until I saw Tracey for her Epstien Barr sessions that I saw a dramatic difference.

For the first time in what feels like a lifetime, I have superior energy levels, I can eat and drink things I previously couldn’t without flaring up, and I am attracting so many great things into my life without trying!

I would recommend this to my own clients, and especially other healers as I am so confident it will not only change the way you feel, but it will have an incredible flow on effect with your ability to help your clients too. Working with Tracey has helped me radically transform all areas of my life.

I recommend her to everyone!

Cat valentine

Transformation Coach, Trainer, Mentor

I’m really in touch with emotions I couldn’t work out why I could not get myself motivated

I was completely lacking in energy, I was thinking, what is this…. Is it depression?

I was just getting more and more into a whirlpool of exhaustion and bleakness and I couldn’t get out

Then you came into my life

I have so much energy back now, I am back!

I have that motivation back again, there are no more blocks

Life was happening to me and I felt like I couldn’t do anything about it

All the things I wanted I have now got

I found it was a really beautiful process

I had Epstein Barr Flare, which I was not aware of

When you are physically unwell, the emotional start to stuff spirals

Even with all my knowledge….  I couldn’t heal myself

It is unbelievable the before and after its night and day

I can’t thank you enough

Lauren Jobson

NLP & Matrix Therapies Master Trainer and Transformational Coach and Therapist

I had felt stuck for so long, I was so sluggish and tired, I had lost my body and lost myself.

I was trying so hard with my diet and yet I felt so stagnant, stuck and hopelessness

I have experienced so many changes, from stuckness if I could say it in one word, I have flow and I am me again.

My body is now aligned, I feel alive again, I came to you for my physical and health, but the business stuff has been an amazing bonus, I’m manifesting again…

It is truly magical, the depth of your work is so profound

All I can say is…. Do it do it do it do it

What you do is so different, its magical, you are magical Tracey

I would recommend you to anyone

Nicolette Wijers

Feminine Awakening Coach, business and lifestyle Mentor

Working with Tracey I found out that my body, mind and soul have been in Deep Survival Stress mode for so many years and I needed to be healed on a deep cellular level. 

She told me that I had Epstein Barr Virus and all my symptoms of fatigue, mood swings, weight gain, uncontrolled temper, emotional outburst, foggy head and mind, and many more things started to make more sense to me.

She allowed my body to heal and integrate which take’s time and she was very gentle in her approach. I felt the heaviness lifting from my head and my whole body. 

My energy levels and vitality came back again, I gained clarity and the ability to listen to my soul guidance towards what I really want without having this dis – ease and symptoms in my body. It’s been an incredible journey and truly forever grateful that I met you Tracey.

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How 100s of People are Healing from EBV and Regaining Their Full Mental, Physical and Spiritual Health in a Matter of Months

May 10, 2023

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