This page is designed to educate you on how our Mind, Body, Energy and Soul all work & are interconnected. 



This page is designed to educate you on how our Mind, Body, Energy and Soul all work & are interconnected. 



I have worked with hundreds of clients to help them heal, align, and transform all areas of their life.

In order to create deep healing within a person’s physical body (organs and glands), there are many other areas that need to be healed at the same time. The true underlying issues need to be addressed.

As a healer (as an exceptional healer) you need to be able to work on all levels at the deepest physiological, neurological and spiritual frameworks to encompass the Mind, Body, and Soul.

Nothing works in isolation within the physical body and this is also the same when it comes to the mind, body, and Soul.

This page has been designed to help you learn more about how I help my clients heal on every level of their physical and spiritual being. I love working with each and every client, as no client’s transformation or healing process will look the same as another.

When it comes to healing, one size does not fit all, and you need to have a program that is fully customized to you and your highest possible potential.


We can hold so much stress at the level of our Mind – so Neurologically. 

Our Neurological structures are responsible for all the functions in our body, starting with our Autonomic Nervous system and our Endocrine system if these two body systems are holding stress and not functioning correctly, then nothing in our body is; it has a flow-on effect to all our Organs and Glands and our bodies ability to Heal and Repair itself.

In order to Heal a client’s physical body I must ensure that their Neurological function is balanced and functioning correctly, including your Brain Structures, Neural Pathways, Neurotransmitters, Autonomic Nervous System, Endocrine system & Central Nervous System so you can regain your Motivation, Drive, Mental Clarity, and Focus

In this video, I explain more about how this deep level of stress can affect our whole body and its function.


You can not heal your body by focusing on one area, as everything is interconnected… If you want to heal from a specific health concern then you need to find the true underlying cause first…

Below is the process I take every client through:

Designed to find the true underlying issues causing blocks, restrictions, imbalances, and ill health. By healing your glands, organs, systems and energy your body will move towards optimal health and vitality.

Organ and Gland Vitality Audit

By accessing a client’s energy, I can take an Energetic % level audit of all the major organs and glands in the body… this forms the foundation of how I then heal a person from the deepest underlying causes of ill health and imbalances. (Please view audits and report videos below)

Healing all Organs and Glands

This includes your Pineal Gland, Hypothalamus Gland, Pituitary Gland, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Thymus, Pancreas, Adrenals, Ovaries, Testes, Prostate, Heart, Pericardium, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, Spleen, Stomach, Large Intestine, Small Intestine, Bladder, Gall Bladder.

Heal your whole Digestive System

Did you know that 70% of our immune system is in our GI tract and 90% of our serotonin (feel good, happiness hormone) is produced here. The better our Digestive system is functioning the better our over health is – Have you ever heard the saying “Heal your gut heal your life” – This is correct This will help with intolerances or food sensitivity issues and well as our metabolism, mental health, energy levels & overall wellbeing

Liver Detoxification Pathways

Did you know that your liver detoxification pathways maybe stressed or not functioning properly – this means your body is unable to eliminate toxins efficiently and if you were to do a liver detox (as so many people love to do) it can cause more damage within the body. The more toxin we are holding the more our health will suffer. I make sure they are all functioning and balanced so your body will natural detoxify

Deep Hydration

This is when we are dehydrated at a cellular level – dinking water will not fix this at a much deeper level, hydration is so important to the body’s functions and healing processes. I balance your deep hydration at a cellular level which enables your body to absorb water correctly

Immune System

Did you know that your liver detoxification pathways maybe stressed or not functioning properly – this means your body is unable to eliminate toxins efficiently and if you were to do a liver detox (as so many people love to do) it can cause more damage within the body. The more toxin we are holding the more our health will suffer. I make sure they are all functioning and balanced so your body will natural detoxify

Epstein Barr Virus

Known as EBV, Mono or Glandular Fever. This Virus in within 95% of the worlds population and feeds on Toxicity and Stress. Most people are unaware that EBV is the deepest underlying cause preventing them from Optimal Health… I have developed my own specific Healing process for EBV which enables me to transform my clients health : (Please visit the EBV page)

Mineral Balance

People love to buy and take supplementation however if your body at a deeper level cannot utilise, absorb or retain these Minerals, Vitamins or Amino Acids properly then you are wasting your money. In this process I help your body clear any deep restrictions and stress that prevent the absorption process, this is also link at a Neurological, Deep Hydration & Digestive level.


Our DNA can hold so many energetic restrictions from genetic integrity to epigenetics which is how our past trauma, emotions and past experiences can change and shape our gene expression – working at this level of a clients being is truly working at the core level of any issues.

EMF Radiation

Releasing EMF radiation as this can disturb and interfere with so many body functions structures and the healing process. I’m able to release EMF radiation from a number of Organs and Glands as well as at a Cellular level.


The Soul is so abundant and by clearing any restrictions at this Level it holds the ability to heal any aliment.

At Soul Level we hold our Soul’s Divine Blueprint, which is a template that knows exactly what we need to live in optimal Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Health

We are Multi-Dimensional beings which means any blocks and restrictions in the physical body will carry a restriction at Soul level. 

So to truly heal and align we must work on all levels of our being – Mind – Body – Soul

Here are some of the ways I heal a person’s Soul:

Soul Loss

Also know as soul retrieval – this is when we are literally missing pieces of our divine soul blueprint

Releasing & Clearing Karma

As well as clearing Negative Unjustified karma & Clearing Past Life Interference.

Resigning Negative Guides This is spiritual guidance that is no longer serving us

Removing other Restrictions

Negative Intensions, Soul Contracts, Bargains, Constrains, Vows, Negative Astral Travel, Healing your Golden Web, including Soul Memory System, Godspark Damage, restoring Spheres of Protection

I also tell you who you are at Soul level and what your Soul’s Divine Gifts are – it almost like giving you the secrets of the universe but specifically for you.


We are energetic and multidimensional beings; there are many different energetic systems within our bodies and beyond.

To balance, align and elevate our energetic vibration, you need to heal your energy at the highest multi-dimensional levels 

Here are some of the ways I heal energy

Aligning Energetic Systems

Charkas – minor, major and higher, meridians, dantiens, polarities, spirit and earth connection, energy axils, kundalini energy, light fibres, aura… You will feel more aligned, balanced & centred

Subconscious Negative Programs & Beliefs

Emotions are just energy in motion and even our deep subconscious program or core beliefs shape our lives and the way we feel and view the world. By releasing Emotional blocks, past traumas, core belief, subconscious program you will live more in alignment with your truth.

Realign Head, Heart and Spirit

This process puts you in Integrity with your Higher Self

By Healing and Aligning your Energetic Systems you will have the most amazing ability to heal, balance and live in true Mind, Body and Soul alignment


WOW, where do I start! And yes they do exist! 

This is another area that I specialize in. All blocks and restrictions in a persons energy on all levels go hand in hand with Dark Energy and Dark Entities, in order to heal a client I will literally release and clear thousands sometimes even millions of these for them. 

The darkness paves way for the light – this is what is referred to by many as the meaning to shadow work.


In this video, I run through the process I do at the beginning of working with every client.

When I take an energetic percentage of every Gland and Organ in someone’s body, it then allows me to see exactly what is going on in a person’s body and to start building their Health & Energy back up from the deepest underlying causes first.


In this video, I take you through an example of a Detailed Session Report.

This Report is your Individual truth at an Innate, DNA, and Cellular level, plus sharing the healing path I had taken within each Session…

Please Watch for more details:

Talk With Tracey About A Customised Healing Plan



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How 100s of People are Healing from EBV and Regaining Their Full Mental, Physical and Spiritual Health in a Matter of Months

May 10, 2023

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09:30 AM (AEST)

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4:30 PM (PDT)